This is a selection of books available in the McAuley Library. These and others are held in Closed Reserve.
Alexander Nevsky (Real Crusades History, 2019)
Christine de Pizan (The Irish Audio Project, 2014)
St Francis of Assisi (Catholic Online, 2019)
Vasco da Gama (History, 2016)
(The Infographics Show, 2019)
Richard I (Richard the Lionheart)
Charlemagne (Charles the Great)
Eleanor of Aquitaine
William I (The Conqueror)
Frederick Barbarossa
Alexander Nevsky
Joan of Arc
Christine de Pisan
Sultan Mehmed II
Genghis Khan
Marco Polo
Christopher Columbus
Vasco da Gama
The Black Prince
(Real Crusades History, 2019)
(Bedtime History, 2019)
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For Username and Password details go to the Library Portal on your SEQTA homepage.
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Programme 1: Charlemagne: The father of Europe 44:26 mins
Programme 2: Joan of Arc 23:37 mins
Programme 3: Kings and Queens - William the Conqueror 23:28 mins
Programme 4: Christopher Columbus 22:48 mins
Programme 5: Marco Polo 21:48 mins
William the Conqueror (France 24 English, 2016)
Eleanor of Aquitaine (Real Crusades History, 2019)
2019, April 1). Charlemange for kids [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtube/ygW2TWlSrmg.
. (Catholic Online. (2019, October 23). St. Francis of Assisi [Video]. YouTube.
2016, October 14). William the Conqueror, the Norman who dared to invade England [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtube/_rrvrvPjN-0.
. (History. (2016, February 9). Vasco de Gama [Video]. YouTube. https//
2020, February 18). Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtube/wMLE2stlCR8.
(The Infographics Show. (2019, June 24). Genghis Khan - Greatest conqueror ever? [Video]. YouTube.
The Irish Audio Project. (2014, July 25). Christine de Pizan [Video file]. Retrieved from
2019, November 24). Frederick Barbarossa and the Third Crusade [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtube/teXmpRHWrCo.
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